Rare Vance (2025) is a paradigm shift in crypto, separating the new from the old. Some people had opportunities to collect the holy grails of crypto, but their advantage was time and having no competition. Now you are being given another chance to collect one of 50 1/1 artworks that will forever live in legacy. If you are viewing this mint page, you are very lucky. Look at it for a minute... think about this opportunity and assess the risks. It is time to create the new paradigm shift, it is time to take your legacy into your own hands. You can mint a Rare Vance Card and be a leader of a movement—a status to envy. All you need to do is press the button and believe in yourself... or don’t. But when you come back to this page and it is minted out, please don’t hate yourself. I hope you made the right decision that fits you.